null meets are free for anyone to attend. There are absolutely no fees. Just come with an open mind and willingness to share and learn.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • Information security news and updates last month by Mustafa Khan
  • Identify and validate vulnerability by Metasploit followup with a one CTF by Ajay
  • Group Discussion (topic : data ex-filtration) by Gagan Jattana
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Announcing official OWASP/Null local chapter August meetup event in Doha, Qatar. This will be a recurrent event, hosted every month.

Agenda & Schedule for August meetup dated 28th of Aug 2019
06:45 PM - 07:00 PM : Networking + Coffee
07:00 PM – 07:05 PM : Welcome, introductions By Javed Khan
07:05 PM – 07:15 PM: Information security news and updates last month by Mr. Muath
07:15 PM – 08:00 PM : Information security awareness session- Identify and validate vulnerability by metasploit
08:00 PM - 08:30: Group discussion (topic : data ex-filtration)

Venue: Digital Incubation Center
Address: Al-Nasser Tower B, 5th Floor, Doha Qatar
Map Link:

There will be plenty of time and occasions for networking, to learn about interesting events and job opportunities in the area, and social activities. This is a vendor-neutral and open platform to learn and share knowledge to create a better and safe world.

As this will be a recurring event, we welcome as many paper submissions as possible, and reserve keeps interesting talk proposals for the future editions.

The talk proposal should abide by the OWASP/Null principles: to promote and disseminate knowledge and tools in cybersecurity that respects its core values, of openness, support for innovation, global reach, and integrity. The talks should be vendor-neutral, which is not publicity talks for a specific company or a proprietary tool, but about interesting experiences insecurity that can engage and foster discussion in the local community.

Date Wednesday August 28 2019
Chapter Doha
Registrations 0
Max Registrations Unlimited
Event Type Open to Everybody
Start Time 06:45 PM
End Time 08:30 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
Welcome & introductions 06:45 PM 07:05 PM
Information security news and updates last month Mustafa Khan 07:05 PM 07:15 PM
Identify and validate vulnerability by Metasploit followup with a one CTF Ajay 07:15 PM 08:00 PM
Group Discussion (topic : data ex-filtration) Gagan Jattana 08:00 PM 08:30 PM


Venue: Digital Incubation Center
Address: Al-Nasser Tower B, 5th Floor, West Bay, Doha Qatar.
Map Link: