
Every tweet has more data and context to it than its visible to us. With Tweeter Search APIs we get more than the tweet contents. We get
1. Location
2. Time of Tweets
3. Device ID
4. User ID & User Profile and much more.
5. Likes Count,
6. Retweet count
7. Hash Tags and URLS

Ok thats cool so what? The above data gives out some of the private information of a user but if we search and collect many tweets filtered on particular topic it can give us more context. Like

  1. Sentiments of the people on a particular topic
  2. Time analysis of a trends/topics
  3. Sensitive Locations for a particular topics
  4. Users most active for a particular topics

Also I will discuss how the tweeter can give more valuable information to Law enforcement Agencies for proactive Policing & Law Enforcement.




Starts at Saturday June 13 2015, 11:00 AM. The sessions runs for about 1 hour.
