
ARM is a future of CPU archetectures, from smarthpne to IoT devices everything runs on ARM. Also in upcoming days desktop computers will start using ARM cpu due to low power consumption. With help of this workwshop you will understand the concepts of operating system and instrution sets of ARM architecture. This knowledge will make you future ready in exploit development process and would allow you to start making effective exploit code for memomry curruption flaws (buffer overflow, heap overflow etc.) in IoT devices.

Download the VM from here : https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ag5D0P6imhKWtxQjLKNPkWU2bB6D?e=U1Mffs


Chirag Jariwala

root@cjhackerz-net:~# whoami

Hey there, I am CJHackerz aka Chirag Jariwala, in the world of cyber security I have been in the space since BackTrack5 (older version kali Linux) days. Most of my skills are self taught through persistent learning despite challenges or environment I have been put through in life.

root@cjhackerz-net:~# ./certs.sh

  • Red Hat Certified System Administrator: https://www.redhat.com/rhtapps/certification/verify/?certId=160-200-614
  • Offensive Security Certified Professional: https://www.credly.com/badges/79d06ac8-7b5a-46e2-a886-b32a895dee60
  • Associate CISSP: https://www.credly.com/badges/398f1d1b-baf0-45f0-bf15-88f884f9f246/public_url

root@cjhackerz-net:~# ./work_profile.py


Starts at Sunday July 05 2020, 04:00 PM. The sessions runs for about 3 hours.
